Extension of the mandate of MONUSCO – Safety in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo ANADER welcomes the extension of the mandate of MONUSCO until 30 June 2013. ANADER welcomes the progress made since the arrival of MONUC, now MONUSCO. The contributions of MONUSCO are not limited to improving security; rather it remains a key player in ensuring peace and reconstruction in DRC. Examples of this include the progress made in mapping DRC, poverty reduction projects, assistance to the independent electoral commission, and the training of the Congolese army. However, ANADER remains very concerned about the security situation in the East. Human rights violations remain and violence is a permanent occurrence. It is clear that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo is still unable to control the security situation. Wrongly or rightly, the people of North Kivu and South Kivu feel deserted, left to the fate of the armed groups. In this regard, ANADER demands that MONUSCO troops be increased in the east of the territory and supports a mandate for the use of armed force as authorized by Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter. It is imperative to give a strong signal to the various armed groups who, believing in their impunity, continue to perpetrate the worst abuses. ANADER wishes to highlight the content of the annual report of the Committee of UN sanctions on the Democratic Republic of Congo which accuses Rwanda of supporting the army mutiny in the eastern DRC in providing military equipment and weapons to the M23 rebels. Furthermore, it appears that Rwanda provides support and protection to General Bosco Ntaganda, who is sought by the International Criminal Court for war crimes. The publication of the United Nations clearly points the sponsors of insecurity in eastern DRC, a fact which cannot be ignored when they should be working towards the stabilization of the DRC by extending the presence of MONUSCO. ANADER calls for Rwandan officials to immediately cease all acts aimed at destabilizing the eastern DRC and calls on the international community to make every effort to ensure that Rwanda continues its actions. Moreover, ANADER urges the governments of DRC and Rwanda to open direct dialogue in order to put a definitive end to suffering of the people of eastern DRC. ANADER calls for international courts to investigate warlords who systematize the worst violence including sexual violence. In collaboration with the Congolese judicial authorities, there must be a greater commitment to prosecute violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. The presence of MONUSCO must give the Congolese Government an excuse for its failure to discharge its obligations to the people. Despite its very low democratic legitimacy due to the massive fraud that marred the legislative elections, the Government must make every effort to ensure the protection of the population. ANADER calls for the Government to continue training the armed forces and security in partnership with our partner countries. ANADER also asks the Government to take all initiatives aimed at the restoration of state authority throughout the national territory, including disputed areas. This objective implies that the Government reforms justice and public administration and the relentless fight against corruption. Finally, ANADER solemnly requests the Congolese Government to organize, on time, democratic, peaceful and transparent provincial and local elections; contrary to the recent presidential and legislative elections. For ANADER A. Bweya-Nkiama International Officer
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