Category: ALN Statements & Resolutions

ALN Statements & Resolutions

President du RLA Condamne la Violence en RDC

« Nous devons empêcher un autre Darfour, »   A exprime Dr. Lamine Ba, President du Reseau Liberal Africain, sur la situation actuelle en RDC.
Appréciant le déploiement d’aide de l’ONU à la République Démocratique du Congo (DRC), Dr. Lamine BA a exprimé tout son soutien à l’initiative onusienne : « il n’y a pas de doute que l’ONU doit avoir le mandat et la capacité à empêcher la poursuite de l’escalade au Congo. La dégradation dans cette partie de l’Afrique Centrale est suffisamment grave car les violations contre les Droits humains fondamentaux les plus élémentaires y sont récurrentes. L’ONU doit mettre davantage de moyens à la disposition de ses troupes qui sont en place (la MONUC). Pour nous libéraux d’Afrique et du reste du monde, c’est notre responsabilité de nous opposer à la violation des Droits de l’Homme ; cela figure dans notre Chartre fondamentale le Manifeste d’Oxford en 1947 déjà ».
Le Cessez le feu qui a été convenu par les belligérants nous semble encore trop précaire parce qu’il n’a pu empêcher la poursuite des meurtres viols et pillages dans la zone. Les agences d’aide internationales parlent même de catastrophe humanitaire.
Voilà pourquoi, selon le Dr Lamine BA : « C’est notre devoir et aussi notre responsabilité, en tant que Libéraux, de mobiliser toute notre énergie et notre intelligence pour mettre aux atrocités et travailler à trouver des solutions au nom des principes démocratiques auxquels nous croyons. Nous libéraux avons été des adversaires de la violence et de l’arbitraire ; nous le sommes davantage pour le cas de la RDC. Nous bannissons sans ambages la violence sous toutes ses formes et devons empêcher un autre Darfour au nom de l’Humanisme qui fonde notre philosophie politique. »
Le RLA est actuellement bien représentée en RDC avec un membre de plein droit (ANADER) a qui nous leur devons conseil et assistance ainsi qu’au peuple congolais tout entier.
3 November 2008

ALN Statements & Resolutions

ALN Condemns Ongoing Human Rights Abuses in the DRC

Despite UN Resolution 1291 establishing the UN security mission in the DRC, MONUC (30th of november 1999), the citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have not yet enjoyed peace and security, two prerequisites for freedom and sustainable development.
Noting the persistent climate of violence in the DRC and the current government’s inaction in securing peace for its citizens, the Africa Liberal Network:
1- Calls for an assessment of the role of MONUC;
2- Calls on the UN Security Council to take responsibility for bringing peace to the people of the DRC;
3- Calls on the government of the DRC to protect the population of the country;
4- Expresses its support for all the people of the DRC;
5- Condemns all forms of violence committed by government forces or other armed groups;
6- Calls on the international community to consider the establishment of an International Tribunal Court for the DRC;
7- Calls on the National Assembly of the DRC to pass legislation to put an end to the impunity with which the armed groups operate;
8- Calls for the disarmament of all foreign and national armed groups on DRC soil;
9- Calls on the government of the DRC to take all the necessary steps to ensure political parties can exercise their rights in a peaceful and free electoral environment
10- Condemns the assassination of late Daniel Bolethi, vice president of the provincial assembly of Kinshasa,Member of the Movement of Liberation of Congo(MLC) and asks for a full investigation of this murder;
11- In view of foreign involvement in the DRC conflict, calls on neighbouring countries such as Angola, Namibia, Rwanda, and Uganda to honour their commitments to the people of the DRC in order to find a lasting solution;
12- Calls on the President of the African Union and the UN Secretary General to play a more active role in finding a lasting solution to the conflict in the DRC.
15 July 2008

ALN Statements & Resolutions

RLA Condamne les Abus des Droits de L'Homme en RDC

Malgre la Résolution 1291 du Conseil de Sécurite de l’ONU qui a crée la mission des Nations Unies en RDC, MONUC a la date du 30 Novembre 1999, le peuple ami et frère de la RDC n’a toujours pas la paix et la sécurité, conditions indispensables pour un developpement harmonieux.
Constatant la persistance de la violence et l’inertie du pouvoir en place dans sa mission de garant de la nation, le Réseau Liberal Africain:
1- S’interroge sur le rôle de la MONUC;
2- Demande au conseil de sécurité de l’ONU de prendre ses responsabilités;
3- Interpelle le gouvernement de la RDC sur son rôle qui consiste a assurer la sécurité des personnes et leurs biens sur l’ensemble du territoire national;
4- Apporte son soutien au peuple ami et frère de la RDC;
5- Condamne toutes formes de violences commises par les forces gouvernementales et les groupes armées
6- Souhaite la mise sur pied d’un tribunal pénal international pour la RDC
7- Demande a l’Assemblée Nationale de la RDC de faire voter des lois en vue de mettre fin a l’impunité;
8- Souhaite que les groupes armés étrangers et nationaux soient neutralisés;
9- Souhaite que le gouvernement de la RDC prenne toutes les dispositions en vue de permettre aux partis politiques d’oppositions d’exercer leurs activités dans un climat de paix et dans un environnement démocratique
10- Condamne l’assassinat de M.Daniel Bolethi, vice president de l’Assemblée provinciale de Kinshasa, Membre du Mouvement de Liberation du Congo(MLC) et demande l’ouverture d’une enquête indépendante en vue de situer les responsabilités de ce crime crapuleux.
11- Eu égard a l’implication des puissances étrangères dans le conflit de la RDC,invite les pays voisins tels l’Angola, La namibie, le Zimbabwe, le Rwanda, et l’Ouganda de respecter les engagements pris devant le peuple congolais et la communauté internationale en vue d’une paix durable dans ce pays.
12-Invite le Président en exercice de l’Union Africaine et le Secrétaire général de l’ONU de s’impliquer davantage dans l’avénement d’une paix durable en RDC.
15 Juillet 2008

ALN Statements & Resolutions

ALN Reacts to African Union Resolution on Zimbabwe

The Africa Liberal Network would like to react to the resolution of the African Union on the crisis in Zimbabwe. The said resolution proposes that a dialogue be established between Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai in order to promote peace and stability in the country and calls for the creation of a government of national unity and continued mediation by SADC.
-Given the fact that UN Security Council members Russia and China continue to block sanctions against the ZANU-PF government
-Given the continued suffering of the people of Zimbabwe
-Given the fact that members of the MDC are still subjected to brutality and violence perpetrated by the Mugabe regime
-Noting that the situation in Zimbabwe constitutes a serious threat to stability and democracy in Africa, in so far as it can set a dangerous political precedent in the region
The Africa Liberal Network
-States that the elections in Zimbabwe were not transparent nor democratic
-States that Robert Mugabe cannot be considered a legitimate president as the results of the run off elections do not reflect the will of the Zimbabwean people
-Condemns the acts of violence committed by ZANU- PF against the people of Zimbabwe
-Expresses concern that this travesty may set a dangerous political precedent in Africa
-Believes that a government of national unity, within the current framework, does not resolve the fundamental issues in Zimbabwe
Further, the Africa Liberal Network
-Proposes that concrete measures be taken by the AU and SADC that promote first and foremost the interests of the people of Zimbabwe
-Calls for the replacement of President Thabo Mbeki by another mediator or an ad hoc committee
-Calls on the international community to use all means possible to stop this travesty, establish democracy in Zimbabwe and end the suffering of the Zimbabwean people
-Proposes that a government of national unity must only be agreed within the framework of transparent and democratic elections
3 July 2008

ALN Statements & Resolutions

ALN Calls For Urgent Action on the Zimbabwe Crisis

The Africa Liberal Network has issued the following statement in relation to the current crisis in Zimbabwe.
Having won the first round of the presidential elections in Zimbabwe with 48% of the votes against incumbent President Robert Mugabe-43%, Mr Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the Movement for Democratic Change, announced on Sunday the 22nd of June that he would not contest the second round of presidential elections scheduled for the 27th of June.
In order to stop the violence initiated by the Zanu-PF, led by Robert Mugabe, the MDC leader opted not to ask the voters of Zimbabwe to put their lives at risk on the 27th of June.
Considering that the regime of Robert Mugabe is against freedom and is increasingly oppressive
Considering the reign of terror perpetrated by followers of the Zanu-PF and the militias of President Mugabe
Considering the ineffective role played by President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa
Considering the suffering of the people of Zimbabwe
Considering the fact that SADC has not taken a firm stance on the issue
Considering the inaction of the African Union
Considering the lack of leadership of the UN Security Council
The Africa Liberal Network demands:
1- The cancellation of the run-off election of the 27th of June in Zimbabwe
2- The stopping of violence and acts of intimidation committed against the people of Zimbabwe by the Zanu-PF government
3- A resolution by the African Union condemning the regime of President Mugabe
4-That resolutions be taken in order to ensure the safety of opposition members and the population as a whole
5- A resolution by the UN condemning the regime of President Mugabe
6-The appointment of a new mediator to replace President Thabo Mbeki
Further, the Africa Liberal Network:
1- States its strong support for Morgan Tsvangirai, the MDC, and the people of Zimbabwe
2- Calls upon the European Community to take a strong stance against the Mugabe regime
3- Calls for a quick negotiation between Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai
4- Calls upon SADC to take greater responsibility in this matter
5- Calls upon all those who champion freedom and human rights to denounce this appalling situation and support the people of Zimbabwe
24 June 2008

ALN Statements & Resolutions

ALN Motion on Zimbabwe

Member parties present at the General Assembly of the Africa Liberal Network, held on 15 May 2008 in Belfast
– Congratulate the President of the MDC, Mr. Morgan Tsvangirai, for his ongoing commitment to democracy and human rights
– Warn the international community of the risks entailed by President Robert Mugabe’s abuse of power
-Express their solidarity with Mr. Morgan Tsvangirai for the run-off presidential election to be held on 27 June 2008
-Call upon SADC and the broader international community to oversee and safeguard the elections
-Condem the numerous acts of intimidation and the violations of human rights perpetrated by the Zanu-PF government.

ALN Statements & Resolutions

ALN Motion on Climate Change Adaptation

The 55th Congress of Liberal International notes:
•    That according to an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report published on 2 February 2007 it is now 90% certain that human activities since 1750 have warmed our planet.
•    That while every possible attempt must be made to mitigate climate change, the reality is that a certain amount of warming has already been locked into the climate system due to emissions that have already occurred;
Further noting:
•    That concern is growing that many communities and ecosystems will have little time to adjust to changing conditions;
•    That economic losses due to extreme weather events are already being experienced, and are likely to increase in the future;
•    That the World Health Organization estimates that climate change is already responsible for 150 000 deaths annually;
•    That the worst effects of climate change will be felt most acutely in the developing world, particularly in Africa;
•    That climate change threatens both food and water security in the developing world;
•    That the effects of climate change will hamper many countries’ abilities to attain the UN Millennium Goals;
Further noting:
•    That Adaptation refers primarily to measures that lessen the vulnerabilities that arise as a result of the negative effects of climate change.
•    That while migration is mostly a global issue, adaptation is a local or regional issue, and therefore adaptation needs will be different in different parts of the world.
•    That those countries or communities with the least capacity to adapt are the most vulnerable to climate change;
•    That the costs of adapting will be between US$ 28 and US$ 67 billion per year by 2030;
•    That currently the Adaptation Fund, set up using funds from a levy on Clean Development Mechanism Projects, is estimated to be worth only US$ 36 million per year, and is expected to rise to no more than US$300 million per year by 2012. Hence, there is a significant funding gap, as the Adaptation Fund in its current manifestation will contribute only 1% of the funds required to help the world adapt to the climate change that is already likely to happen.
Hereby Resolves:
•    That Adaptation to climate change in conjunction with sustainable development receive the same emphasis as mitigation in a post-2012 climate agreement;
•    That the funding for Adaptation by developing countries be funded primarily by developed countries who are responsible for the majority of human-induced climate change;
•    That developed countries consider committing to compulsory financial payments to the Adaptation Fund based on their respective abilities to pay.
•    That funding to developing countries for Adaptation measures be in addition to existing development aid.

ALN Statements & Resolutions

ALN Resolution on the Situation in Zimbabwe

The General Assembly of the Africa Liberal Network
•    Notes with concern the rapidly deteriorating political situation in Zimbabwe;
•    Further notes the ongoing and relentless oppression of opposition political party supporters and the independent media by the government;
•    Calls on the government of Zimbabwe to respect the right of assembly and to provide a space for the exercising of legitimate political rights;
•    Calls on the Southern African Development Community and the African Union to condemn the actions of the Zimbabwean government and to meaningfully contribute to finding a peaceful political resolution in the country.
Johannesburg, 4 May 2007

ALN Statements & Resolutions

ALN Resolution on Tony Leon

The General Assembly of the Africa Liberal Network
•    Congratulates the Honourable Tony Leon MP on his leadership of the Democratic Alliance and its predecessor party for thirteen years;
•    Notes that he has contributed to legitimising the role of opposition politics in South Africa;
•    Further notes that he has been a defender of the rights and freedoms of all South Africans;
•    Thanks him for his contribution to building links between African liberal parties;
And wishes him well in his future endeavours.
Johannesburg, 4 May 2007

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