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Goodluck to our member parties in Burkina Faso, as they each contest the 22 November 2020 legislative and presidential general elections


Most recently, in February 2020, the network, our member parties and our strategic partners descended in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, where we were hosted by our 3 member parties: Alliance pour la Démocratie et la Fédération – Rassemblement Démocratique Africain (ADF-RDA), Union pour le Progrès et Changement (UPC) and Le Faso Autrement. Our arrival in Burkina Faso was to convene the network’s annual general assembly, which we successfully concluded under the theme: “Peace and Stability for Economic and Social Development in Africa”.


This message is to express the network’s solidarity with the contesting member parties, to share our encouragement and support to the leaders Gilbert Noël Ouédraogo, President of the ADF-RDA and President of the Africa Liberal Network; Zéphirin Diabré, president of the UPC and former West Africa Vice-President of the Africa Liberal Network and Ablassé Ouedraogo, president of Le Faso Autrement, the full member of the Africa Liberal Network.

During both 2019 and 2020, the network had the opportunity to work with, capacitate and develop contesting women candidates from our member parties. We wish to extend messages of support to them too, as they defend and expand their advocacy during these elections. Best wishes are shared with Josephine Drabo Kanyoulou, Jacqueline Konate Souratie and Marie Prudence Ouédraogo.


Le Réseau Libéral Africain exprime sa préoccupation suite aux récents développements au niveau de la zone tampon d’El Guergarat.

Le Réseau Libéral Africain condamne les appels à la violence du « Polisario » et son choix de mener une guerre avec le Royaume du Maroc.

Le Réseau Libéral Africain soutien l’intégrité du territoire du Maroc incluant le Sahara occidental et soutien le plan de régionalisation proposé par le Maroc.

Le Réseau Libéral Africain condamne La rupture de l’accord de cessez-le-feu par le Polisario qui constitue une violation flagrante du droit international et un acte de banditisme au niveau de la zone tampon et une violation des droits de l’homme du fait de l’obstruction par celui ci de la circulation des personnes et des biens à travers les frontières maroco-mauritanienne compte tenu de leur importance stratégique pour la stabilité, la sécurité et la prospérité de la région du Maghreb et du Sahel.

Le Réseau Libéral Africain appelle le Polisario au respect des accords de cessez-le-feu en place depuis 1991 et réitère son plein soutien aux efforts des Nations Unies et de son Secrétaire Général en vue de trouver un règlement pacifique à la question du Sahara, “dans le respect des résolutions pertinentes du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies et tout particulièrement de la dernière résolution (2548) adoptée le 30 octobre 2020”.

Le Réseau Libéral Africain salue les efforts pacifiques engagés par le Royaume du Maroc afin de parvenir à une solution durable sous l’égide de l’ONU.

Le Président du Réseau Libéral Africain


Congratulations to our member party Seychelles Democratic Alliance & President Wavel Ramkalawan

The Seychelles Democratic Alliance (Linyon Demokratik Seselwa – LDS) previously was named the Seychelles National Party, and was founded in 1994. The SNP was formed by the merger of three separate opposition parties in 1994: the Seychelles National Movement, led by Gérard Hoarau; the National Alliance Party, led by Philippe Boullé (an independent presidential candidate in the 2001 presidential election); and Parti Seselwa, led by Wavel Ramkalawan.

A total of 66,017 votes were cast out of the 74,634 people who were eligible to vote in the three-day presidency and legislative election which started from Thursday 22 October 2020 to Saturday 24 October 2020. President Wavel Ramkalawan, running for the presidency for the sixth time, won 54.9% of valid votes cast.

“I declare Wavel Ramkalawan as the elected candidate,” the electoral commission chairman Danny Lucas said on earlier today, Sunday 25 October 2020.

Ramkalawan will take office with a strong political hand as his party won more than a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly election held at the same time as the presidential election. (Rassin Vannier, Seychelles News Agency)

(Seychelles News Agency) – Wavel Ramkalawan unseated the incumbent President of Seychelles in the island nation’s three-day election, winning nearly 55 percent of the vote and ushering in a new era of political leadership after decades of trying to win the archipelago’s top office, election officials announced Sunday.

The Seychelles Democratic Alliance (Linyon Demokratik Seselwa – LDS) is the largest political party in Seychelles. It holds the majority in the National Assembly after winning the 2016 elections and since then has had the aim to form the national government at the next Presidential election, which were these ones of October 2020.

The Africa Liberal Network, expresses hearty congratulations to our member party, Seychelles Democratic Alliance & President Wavel Ramkalawan.

President Wavel Ramkalawan will be sworn in tomorrow, Monday 26 October 2020 at State House.



Guinée-Conakry : Renew Europe demande la libération immédiate de Cellou Dalein Diallo et le respect des droits et libertés fondamentaux

Le groupe Renew Europe au Parlement européen condamne fermement la violente répression des manifestations en Guinée-Conakry, suite aux élections présidentielles de dimanche et aux abus commis par les forces de sécurité contre le principal parti d’opposition, l’Union des forces démocratiques de Guinée et son président, Cellou Dalein Diallo.

L’assignation à résidence imposée au candidat présidentiel, Cellou Dalein Diallo, représente une violation des droits et libertés fondamentaux et une atteinte à la démocratie en Guinée-Conakry.

Le groupe Renew Europe appelle les autorités guinéennes à rétablir le fonctionnement normal des institutions démocratiques du pays, à mettre fin aux violences en cours et à cesser immédiatement la détention illégale de Cellou Dalein Diallo.

Commentant la situation en Guinée-Conakry, Dacian Cioloș (PLUS, Roumanie), président de Renew Europe, a déclaré :

“Le groupe Renew Europe est extrêmement préoccupé par les tensions qui entourent les élections présidentielles en République de Guinée. Dans les heures et les jours qui suivent, il est très important que les autorités actuelles assurent la transparence du décompte des voix. Les résultats électoraux doivent être exempts de fraude et de manipulation. Compte tenu des tensions, nous appelons également les autorités de la République de Guinée à garantir la sécurité du candidat adverse, Cellou Dalein Diallo et de ses partisans”.

Hilde Vautmans (Open Vld, Belgique), députée européenne, coordinatrice de Renew Europe au sein de la commission des affaires étrangères, a ajouté :

“La démocratie doit être présente en Guinée. Nous condamnons fermement l’assignation à résidence illégale du candidat à la présidence Cellou Dalein Diallo et appelons le président Condé à annuler sans plus tarder cette action injustifiée et illégale. Les droits et libertés individuels doivent être rétablis et respectés”.

Guinea Elections 4

Presidential elections in Guinea: A shimmer of hope in the reign of darkness

The Republic of Guinea has the dubious reputation of being one of Africa’s most corrupt countries, plagued by decades of mismanagement, a ghostly socialist past and autocratic leaders, whose desire to care for themselves and their buddies is haunting the resource rich country.

Now, on 18 October 2020, Guineans are once more called to the elections booths to vote for a new president. Yet there is not much doubt that the old president will also be called the new
one. The 82 year old Guinean autocrat Alpha Condé is seeking a third term in office after he introduced an new constitution with dubious methods to allow him to stay in power. The opposition is subdued by the guns and bayonets of the security forces, while the electoral commission and the justice system are dominated by the president’s cronies.

All in all a picture that is unfortunately very common to Guinea and its history. It seems that the resource rich country, which holds – among other important minerals – about one third of
the world’s bauxite reserves, has a strange destiny to remain poor and badly governed by autocratic rulers. Even the latest experiment in democracy did not start very well. When in
2010, after a military coup that ousted long-term dictator Lansana Conté, civil rule was reestablished, the presidential elections were hardly transparent, nor free and fair. However, Alpha Condé claimed victory in the second round by a narrow margin against the liberal opponent Celiou Dalein Diallo.

What followed was a reversal of the “Saul to Paul conversion” by the craving for power. Condé had originally been a fierce advocate of a democratic opening against the socialist dictatorship of Guinee’s first president Sekou Touré. Being threatened for his life by Touré’s security forces, he exiled himself to Paris in 1964, consequently receiving the death penalty in absentia for treason. Condé roamed the streets of Paris as a revolutionary student in the May 1968 events, which – according to himself – helped him to elaborate some proper socialist ideas. He returned to Guinea after Touré’s death and stayed politically active during the successive military and semi-military governments. In 1998 he challenged the new dictator Lansana Conté in elections for the presidency.

In completely rigged elections, the dictator confirmed his grip to power, after which he had Condé thrown in prison and tortured. This biography gave Condé somewhat of an aura of a Guinean freedom fighter, an image that was properly groomed by his supporters in the country and abroad. It is therefore even more remarkable that someone who went through hardships like that, who once claimed Nelson Mandela as his role model, turned into the best apprentice of his former oppressor.

Condé’s balance sheet for the last ten years is indeed all but negative. Not only was the ever existing endemic corruption further enhanced and spiked with the most remarkable excesses of crony capitalism, but the country as a whole went into decline. Misuse of funds and public budgets lead to a paralyzed administration that could no longer work properly or provide the most basic services to its people. Economic growth was exclusively generated by the export of minerals, while the corresponding fiscal revenues were funnelled away.

Guinea remains one of the poorest countries in Africa with rank 174 on the UN Human Development Index.

Furthermore, apart from his erratic style of governing and serving mainly the kleptocratic elite that courted him to power, Condé was also adopting his predecessor’s methods of repression. Human rights abuses, especially against members of the populous Pheul ethnic group, increased steeply. Local elections were rigged, opposition candidates intimidated and the
security forces strengthened in his favour.

Being re-elected in 2015 for his second and last term, he then turned more and more megalomaniac, being convinced that the country could not do without him. With this in mind, he started his third presidential term project for the 2020 elections, a political move which the Guinean constitution explicitly did not allow. By 2019 he had lost all moderation and went ahead to crush violently the massive opposition coalition that was formed and well supported. Since October 2019 mass demonstrations had swept through towns and cities across Guinea, including the capital. The security forces have put them down ruthlessly with hundreds of deaths so far. The opposition coalition was comprised of all major parties into the “National Front for the Defense of the Constitution¨ (French: Front Nationale pour la Défense de la Constitution (FNDC)”.

Then in March 2020 with the Corona crisis taking away the world’s attention, the president started a mock referendum for a new constitution that would allow him to stand again for the presidency. The project was deliberately called “new constitution” as to give the impression of a “new start” for the Guinean people and not that of a power-obsessed, 82-year-old president who seeks to stay in his palace. Supported by this ridiculous rhetoric the opposition boycotted the referendum and claimed it an illegitimate constitutional coup d’etat. Despite this, the project – went ahead and in the absence of any international election observers the soviet style results of the ballot with 89,7% in favour spoke for themselves.

While the world was busy fighting the Corona pandemic, President Conde fortified his position and prepared the terrain for the elections on October 18th. He posted his allies in the electoral commission and he made sure he had the right people appointed in the courts, so that victory will be assured whatever the real turnout at the voting booth might be. For the same reasons international election observers were reduced to a minimum, with the EU and western nations being politely “not invited” to send any of their experts. The opposition meanwhile split in those
who considered total boycott as the only effective protest and those who were convinced that they must make a stand, even when they have no real chance.

For the latter, the most hopeful candidate is Ceilou Dalein Diallo (CDD), who has decided to stand up a third time against Condé and his ruling party. He comes from the Pheul ethnicity who form a large part of the Guinean population. His party, the “Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea” (French: Union des forces Démocratiques de Guinée, UFDG) was founded in 1991 and is a full member of the Africa Liberal Network and Liberal International.

Being a convinced democrat, CDD decided that it was better to set a sign and fight at the ballot box instead of boycotting the elections. No matter how tampered the results might be, people would at least have a visible alternative, while a mere boycott would just lead to the opposition passing into oblivion. An important factor for his decision to go against the odds was the passivity of the international community, which may well have continued after a boycotted election. Busy with Corona, neither the US nor the EU have taken a strong stand against this constitutional coup d’etat by president Condé.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has so far given only lukewarm statements asking for dialogue without mentioning neither Condé’s shady efforts to stay in power nor condemning the excessive use of force by his security forces. Given the fact that ECOWAS heavyweight Allassane Outtara from Cote d’Ivoire has also recently pushed aside the country’s constitution for seeking a third mandate himself with elections at the end of October, it is unlikely that ECOWAS will become too critical.

France has also avoided any clear comments as president Condé’s network of old French friends successfully play the lobby card in Paris. Open support to the autocratic ruler is coming from the “usual suspect” countries. Condé’s relations with Russia remain strong. The Russian ambassador to Guinea was the only foreign representative, who publicly encouraged Condé to go ahead with his third-term bid. After that, the same ambassador switched sides and now heads the vital RUSAL bauxite and aluminium operations in Guinea.

President Condé can also count on the crucial support – and money – of China. He managed the biggest boost in Guinea’s bauxite production since independence by bringing in a ChineseSingaporean-French consortium that became the country’s largest bauxite exporter. These Russian and Chinese bauxite operations help provide Condé with a war chest that finances his grip to power. With such funding at his disposition and a thoroughly corrupt administration and justice system, it seems to be not too difficult to produce whatever election results may be needed.

However, despite this massive arsenal favouring Condé’s position, the actual election campaign has not been too favourable for him. Against all his assumptions, the people in Guinea seem to be visibly fed up with his rule and his desperate attempt to secure a presidency for life for him and his cronies. The fraudulent referendum and the cozening of the population has left deeper marks than the autocratic president may have suspected. Even in his own ethnicity, the Malinke, enthusiasm for his candidacy looks limited and the usual masses that are payed with foodstuff and cash to attend his political rallies are considerably smaller than expected.

On the other hand, since CDD picked up the gauntlet to go into the presidential race, he is enjoying increasing support, not only from his own Pheul ethnicity, but also in other regions of the country and from the influential Guinean expat community. Like a shimmer of hope he has been drawing the crowds while touring the country in the last four weeks, accusing the government rightfully of all the shortcomings that made the Republic of Guinea into one of the most mismanaged countries on the continent. Condé’s degree of desperation in face of this unexpected situation reflects in the rising amount of violence and oppression used against CDD’s supporters. As campaigning draws to its end, more and more cases of violent intimidation by militants from the ruling Rally of the Guinean People (RPG) party are reported. Roads are blocked and wherever possible campaigning by CDD is hindered. His UFDGs party offices in certain regions are looted and volunteers beaten up by supposedly unknown assailants. The police is not surprisingly passive.

Taking these recent developments, the projections for the elections are rather bleak. To justify his grip to power the results must give Condé a lead by a large margin. Only the support of a massive majority will leave him in the right shine; it will allow him to silence the internal opposition and possible international critics. Electoral fraud will be the obvious way to guaranty such results, but with the ever-rising support for the opposition in the last weeks, any massive fraudulent result in his favour risks to backfire. The Guinean population, especially in the Pheul dominated regions, will not accept these rigged results.

A wave of protest will follow and betrayed voters will massively take to streets. Violence and counter-violence might follow and it is very likely that both, the incumbent and his challenger, will claim an electoral victory. This would be the moment where the international community has to take a stand, as it is highly improbable that Condé will leave his presidential chair voluntarily. Like any autocrat with lifelong ambitions, he has avoided to build up a trustful successor. Internationally he has been isolated in the sub-region for years and his friends in Russia and China care more about the continuity of their mining concessions than his presidency. With his 82 years Condé knows that he has nothing to lose, which might tempt him to go for the extreme and accept any bloodshed to stay in power. In contrast to Condé himself, it is the inner circle of his immediate supporters, that risks to lose everything. They will defect from their erratic doyen, once they realize that his “devil may care attitude” will doom them as well. This would certainly trigger the beginning of the end of his rule.

A swift response by the international community to the elections is therefore imperative. International pressure may be necessary to guarantee that the democratic will of the Guinean people is fulfilled. The regional and sub-regional organisations as well as the EU have the power to put this pressure on the regime. They should demonstrate that they don’t concede to fraudulent elections and autocratic regimes. It is time that international community finally wakes up, because Guinea deserves better than this.


Jo Holden (West Africa Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom)


La famille libérale africaine salue avec joie la libération de Soumaila Cissé

Son parti, l’Union pour la République et la Démocratie (URD) du Mali est membre à part entière du Réseau qui compte 47 membres. Il en a toujours été un membre actif de part l’engagement de son leader.

Nous souhaitons à Soumaïla un bon retour auprès de sa famille. Que sa santé, eu égard à la dure épreuve de captivité durant plusieurs mois, lui permette de reprendre ses activités sereinement.

Il nous faut ici rappeler que la paix et la stabilité en Afrique nous interpelle toutes et tous. Cela est un combat de chaque instant.

Nous acteurs politiques libéraux devons en faire une priorité afin que les peuples que nous représentons puissent retrouver l’entente et la sérénité d’antant gage du développement économique et social que nous souhaitons accélérer pour le bien-être de nos Nations.

Soumaïla, bon retour chez toi!

Le Président du Réseau Libéral Africain.
Me Gilbert Naamdouda OUEDRAOGO


German Liberal Politician Visits Mali

Honorable Dr. Christoph Hoffmann  (MdB) for political talks in Bamako

Dr. Christoph Hoffmann, Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) has visited Mali from 20-24th of September 2020.  Dr. Hoffmann is the first German politician to visit the country after the Coup d’Etat on August 18th. As speaker for International Cooperation of the liberal Free Democratic Party  (FDP) and member of the parliamentary commission for economic cooperation and development, Dr. Hoffmann follows closely the political developments in West-Africa. With the recent events in Mali, he saw the need for a personal fact finding mission that would allow him to better evaluate the political developments and get a more objective picture of the situation on the ground.

In the four days of his mission in Bamako, Dr. Hoffmann met with development organisations, groups of the Malian civil society, from the human rights sector and women associations, the UN led international stabilisation force as well as the West- African Economic Community (ECOWAS). His visit at the headquarters of the liberal partner party and largest parliamentary opposition, Union pour la République et la Démocratie (URD), was a highlight of his stay. Accompanied by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF),  Dr. Hoffmann met with the executive committee of the URD.

The discussions focused on the eventual liberation of the party’s president Soumaila Cissé as well as the URD’s role in the transition process.  There was a general consensus that Mali needed liberal political solutions more urgently than ever. In this context Dr. Hoffmann highlighted the importance of Rule of Law and Transparency as cornerstones for a functioning state. Dr. Holden, the West Africa Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation emphasized the important cooperation between FNF and URD and pledged continuous support for the URD. As the transition process will be of limited time, the URD will have to be prepared for those general elections that will eventually decide on a new president and parliament. This is a challenge but also a tremendous chance for the liberal cause in Mali.

In the course of his mission in Bamako Dr. Hoffmann also met with the  Vice-President for West-Africa of the African Liberal Network (ALN), Mr Ousmane Ben Fana Traoré as well as with Ms Fatoumata Sako, from the liberal Malian Parti pour le Développement Economique et la Solidarité (PDES).


Leading Women in Africa: Ashura Michael

I am Ashura Michael, a young deaf human rights and gender advocate from Kenya.

Participating in the Africa Liberal Network’s 2020 Women Leadership Programme is one of the greatest privileges of my life. As I prepare to enter the political arena in the next Kenya General Election 2022, the Africa Liberal Network’s Women Leadership Programme has equipped me with skills including resource mobilization and multimedia communications. My incredible mentor has supported me as I thought through a range of ideas for my campaign, from developing a campaign plan to assembling the right team. Equipped by the wonderful team at the Africa Liberal Network, my confidence as a woman in politics has grown tremendously. In the process, I have developed into a strong and mature leader.

The program has not only positively advanced my chances of launching into my dream career, it has also shaped my advocacy, ensuring that I have equal access to opportunities. I am now equipped to facilitate, support and empower other women to lead. Of course, this advocacy extends equally to persons with disabilities.

I was recently named one of 2020’s most influential young Kenyans in the category of Leadership and Governance, and as one of the top 15 Kenyan women trailblazing the corporate suite in 2020 (Law and Policy).

I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Development from University of Nairobi and am currently studying towards my Bachelor’s degree in Law at the same institution.

I hold the following additional qualifications:

  • Diploma in Law;
  • Certificate in Civil Leadership from the University of Illinois;
  • Certified Political Leadership and Governance from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation;
  • Certificate in Advancing young women Agribusiness Entrepreneurs and Innovator from the Michigan State University.

I am also one of the succeeding participants of the Africa Liberal Network’s Women Leadership Programme 2020.

My experiences truly represent the ideal that every human has the right to live in an open opportunity society, where every person enjoys the same rights and has the same opportunities to fulfil their highest, truest expression of themselves.

I am a passionate advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities; thus, I complement my passion with studies in law, development and governance. But academic knowledge equally needs to be complemented by action.

I was a member of Young Voice, a Leonard Cheshire disability project to support young persons with disabilities through campaigning for disability rights and equal access. I have also been a co-chair for Youth Council of UNICEF’s Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities. I previously served as Secretary General of Kenya National Association of the Deaf, Youths Section. I have worked as a Gender and Social Inclusive Officer at Peace Ambassadors Integration Organization and a Special Interests Representative of Youths Synergy Kenya. I have been a Board Member of Positive Young Women Voice and served several national and international organizations.

Active campaigning has been a central part of my journey as a leader of the youth, working to realize the rights of youth, women and persons living with disabilities. I am the Founder and Director of Free a Girl’s World Network (FGW-N), an organization that aims to empower the girl child to explore her world freely without social-cultural and economic boundaries.

I am a Mandela Washington fellow 2016 alumni and I have travelled the world sharing and championing the rights of persons with disabilities, women and youth.

I have always felt the need to engage broadly with society, to speak out for the oppressed, to fight for those who can’t fight, and to represent not only the disabled in Kenya but everyone in my country. For this reason, I have also been actively engaged in my political party to make sure that persons with disabilities are not left behind in the political arena. I oversaw the 2016 formation of the Orange Disability League, as a supporting arm of my political party, the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM). I currently serve as an executive member of the League.

As Kenya’s official opposition, led by the former Kenya Prime Minister, The Right Honourable Raila Odinga, Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) is a full member of the Africa Liberal Network and a full member of Liberal International.

During the 2017 Kenya General Election, I campaigned for nomination to represent women in the Senate. Although I was not nominated., I appreciate the lessons and the exposure I gained from the experience. I continue to serve and represent women as a member of the Daughters of Raila, a collective network platform advocating for the inclusion of young women in particular, in the political leadership decisions of the party and in Kenya more broadly.

I serve as one of the directors on the board of the Kenya’s national council of persons with disabilities I also serve as the co-Chairperson of the Kenya Chapter of the Africa Charter on Democracy, Election and Governance, and the first elected deaf Speaker of the EALA Vijana Assembly.

As a continue my journey of leadership and growth, I am guided by the wise counsel of Mother Teresa that, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.”


Leading Women in Africa: Nereah Amondi Oketch

Born into a family of ten, I am the fifth child and the last girl.

I always wondered why my parents waited for me before naming a daughter after my paternal grandmother. That honor is usually reserved for the firstborn girl. I grew up in the 1980’s, a period of relative stability in government social services before the infamous structural adjustment programs that shaped my ambition to be a government employee.

My parents were both public servants. I recall in years gone by, how my mother attended night school as a mother of nine. She got a job very soon after successfully completing her training. I recall, quite vividly, when my parents’ marriage disintegrated because my father felt that my mother had become too enlightened because of her education and job. When my mother left, we had to sneak to see her because any mention of that visit would earn you a thorough beating. I noticed then, that a woman must be empowered to make decisions in the best interest of her family; and that as a woman, you can only make these decisions if you have a voice, and the freedom to express it.

These experiences bred in me a wealth of ideas about how to create an equitable world. I remember how I used to follow my brothers around when they made their toy cars and raced all over the estate. I climbed trees – mostly pawpaw trees – and I have the scars to prove it. I once mobilized my friends to haul an old vehicle to our estate and to “harvest” scrap metal for sale! These and other escapades earned me the stripes of reprimand, at least four times a month, every month.

I did not initially aspire to a career in finance and now, politics as well. Honestly, when I fell pregnant at 17, all I wanted was to run away and get married (I eventually had four children within six years). I had no thoughts of the future. My initial ambition was to be an accounting technician because I had received an internal job posting that required that qualification. When I look back at the ten year stretch when I had gone back to school while juggling a family of six and a job as well, I realize that my voice had been drowned out and I needed it back – urgently. I was an adept debater in school. I was confident, I had an opinion, I was willing to substantiate my stance, and I stood up to bullies. These characteristics steered me back to my ordained path.

I also realized that many women may not have the same opportunities to reclaim their voices; many do not survive domestic violence. I work each day to advocate for equal enjoyment of human rights and non-discrimination in order to open more opportunities for women to rise above these obstacles. My mission is the realization of the human rights enshrined in Kenya’s constitution, chapter 4, and ratified in regional and international conventions.

When I needed an avenue to give voice to these aspirations for the world to hear, I found it in politics. In 2007, while undertaking my undergraduate studies, I was famously known as ODM (in reference to the Orange Democratic Movement) because of my preference for the color orange in support of my party; my no-nonsense attitude; my ability to rally friends to vote for the ODM; and my bare knuckle tackle of any enemy – real or imagined – of the movement, led by The Right Honourable Raila Odinga.

I balanced politics and my career as a Certified Public Accountant and management practitioner. I once lost my job because I appeared in a newspaper alongside a political candidate – this apparently caused the inference that I too was vying for a political position. Once I lost my livelihood because of politics, I knew I had reached my destiny. I needed a platform to speak about human rights and gender equality. I needed a platform to trigger action, not just awareness.

The highlight of my political career was in 2019 when I was featured in the first ever televised women leadership competition in Kenya. What had, to me, begun as an opportunity to network with donors to support my numerous community economic justice projects and to prove that women merit elective office, changed my trajectory when we received the attention of President Uhuru Kenyatta, who hosted the top five finalists.. We got an opportunity to accompany him on a field visit, and to address Kenyans on live TV as his guests. Many women and girls have reached out to thank me especially, for keeping “it real”.

My application to be considered as a participant in the Africa Liberal Network’s Women Leadership Programme, was supported by my Party Leader, Raila Odinga. As a cadet of the programme, I am learning to conduct political campaigns as I prepare to vie in Kenya’s General Elections in 2022.

I believe, there are countless women, in every village in Africa, who have a voice just waiting to be heard. Through NAO Foundation, my initiative for Inclusive Social Development, I design evidence-based programs that resonate with my experiences and knowledge to support women like myself in raising their voices, to become active participants in governance and the economy, and to enjoy their own rights even as the develop communities that are anchored in a culture of human rights. There remains a gap in the reach of these programs in rural areas all over Africa. And so I continue to work with urgency to increase the scope of our investment in women’s economic and social empowerment as we relentlessly champion Gender Equality by 2030.

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