We are pleased to announce the 2014 ALN General Assembly will take place in Marrakech, Morocco from 27-29 Nov in partnership with the Liberal Democrats. UK.
This year will see the largest and most ambitious General Assembly in the ALN’s history, with the conference focusing on the theme:
Human Rights, Increasing Participation: Providing a Voice for All
A healthy democracy and a stable political party can only be sustained by citizens who feel the system represents them and treats them fairly. Building a human rights framework and identifying best practice approaches to increase engagement with the political process are the most important roles integral to the political sphere.
The 2014 ALN General Assembly will therefore focus on the crucial themes ‘Human Rights & Increasing Political Participation: Providing a Voice for All’. We will host a series of plenary and breakout sessions dedicated to addressing both human rights and the practical application of involving underrepresented groups in political parties.
The plenary and breakout structure of the conference will be a historic first for the ALN, and will result in the formulation and adoption of a Human Rights Framework for the Network and a set of best practice recommendations for increasing the role of underrepresented groups in political parties.
For more information contact Aimee Franklin on aimee.franklin@africaliberalnetwork.org