Democratic Alliance leader Helen Zille on Saturday unveiled the party’s new logo saying the party is launching a new vision for South Africa to make the country’s dream a living reality.
Zille said the re-launch of the party came with a new approach of campaigning for elections and a new determination to address the injustices and transcend the racial divisions of our country’s past.
Speaking at Constitutional Hill in Johannesburg, Zille said the change is aimed at attracting people who share the party’s values, but who have not historically supported the DA.
She said the country would see a new DA emerge which would be more diverse, more reflective of South Africa’s rich racial, linguistic and cultural heritage and more committed to providing excellence and equity in public service than ever before.
“We can overcome our past; we can turn South Africa into a safe, prosperous, free society in which everyone has a fair shot at achieving their dreams, irrespective of the circumstances of their birth.”
Zille went on to clarify what would stay the same within the party and what would change.
She said that the party’s vision of an open opportunity society for all, founded on the bedrock of its core values would remain the same, as would its championing of rights and freedoms of every person, enshrined in a Constitution.
“We have always stood for equal and ever-expanding opportunity. Not for some, but for all. We still do,” she said.
“We have always believed in the dignity and equality of each and every person, and promoted the language, culture and heritage of all the rainbow people, and we still do.”
The party had always fought for the security of the children, women and men of our country, who deserved to live without fear of criminals and still did, as well as remaining committed to clean government, exposing corruption and championing tolerance, excellence and personal responsibility.
“Here’s what’s new,” she said, “The DA is a party of government.”
“We are in government in Cape Town and in many other municipalities and we aim to be in government in various provinces after next year’s election.”
“We are determined to be in government in cities and towns across South Africa in 2011 and we will be part of national government in the near future.”
Where the DA was in opposition, it would continue to provide the critical oversight and policy alternatives which everyone expected of it, and the country required of it.
“But our purpose is not to be an opposition party; it is to be a party of government, and so, from now on, the DA no longer offers opposition and nothing else.”
“From today, we offer the people of South Africa a government that really can deliver a better future: a future in which every person is free, where everyone has access to life-changing opportunities, where growth and prosperity are shared by all, where every child is protected and safe, where each and every language and culture is respected and protected,” Zille said.
“That is our dream; that is our promise; that is what we offer and will deliver to the rainbow people.”
This new vision was reflected in the policy proposals which were currently being rolled out, covering every area of public life in South Africa.
“Only the DA has a comprehensive policy alternative to the challenges our country faces. Because underlying our offer is real substance – comprehensively researched and carefully considered.”
“It’s our sights and spirits, it signals hope and it’s grounded in our love for diversity.”
“The DA loves South Africa.”
“We love our rainbow people in all their glorious diversity -they are our inspiration and our hope.”
“We love the Constitution, which binds us to one another after so much division and despair.”
“The DA will not let down the land we love- we will never give up our dream for the rainbow people.”
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