The ALN is composed of the General Assembly (GA), the Executive Committee (EC), the Secretariat as well as the Patrons.
6.1 The General Assembly (GA)
6.1.1 The General Assembly is the meeting of all members of the network under the chairmanship of its President or a Vice-President designated as his substitute, or in the event of the absence of the President or their substitute, of a member chosen by a majority of members gathered to hold a General Assembly.
6.1.2 Each full or associate member may appoint one delegate to participate in the General Assembly for every vote allocated to that member.
6.1.3 Observer members may appoint one delegate to participate, but not to vote, in the General Assembly.
6.1.4 Additional delegates to those outlined in 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 may attend, but all logistical arrangements and associated costs will be for their own account. Additional delegates will not have voting rights.
6.1.5 The General Assembly shall be held at least once every calendar year and may be held in conjunction with another activity to which members may be invited, provided that all members have been informed of the parallel holding of the General Assembly. Quorum for the meeting will be one third of full members. Where a quorum is not reached, a new meeting of the General Assembly shall be called no earlier than thirty (30) and no later than ninety (90) calendar days after the first meeting. The second meeting of the General Assembly shall be entitled to validly take decisions, irrespective of the number of full members present.
6.1.6 The General Assembly shall be the highest decision making body and shall be responsible for making the decisions guiding the work of the network, including but not limited to: Considering and voting on motions to amend the Constitution or its Schedules; Considering and voting on applications for membership or motions for suspension or dismissal of members; Proposing, endorsing or adopting a calendar of activities for any specified period; Considering and voting on any motion brought by any member; Electing the Executive Committee in terms of this constitution; Making any other decisions necessary for the functioning of the network or the attainment of its objectives.
6.1.7 To ensure the professional and efficient management of General Assembly proceedings, the Secretariat, in consultation with the ALN President, will be responsible for setting fair and reasonable deadlines for the submission of information to the General Assembly including, but not limited to, deadlines for the nomination of candidates, deadlines for constitutional amendments, deadlines for the submission of membership applications and deadlines for the submission of resolutions.
6.1.8 Information submitted after the deadlines referred to in 6.1.7 has to be presented in writing to the Executive Committee with clear justification for missing the set deadline. The Executive Committee will then rule on the admissibility of the submission.
6.2 The Executive Committee
6.2.1 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for considering the strategic direction of the network and implementing the decisions of the General Assembly.
6.2.2 The Executive Committee shall be made up of the Officers of the network as follows: President Five Vice-Presidents representing the five regions of Africa, namely north, west, central, east and southern Africa Treasurer Coordinator/Executive Secretary (Ex-Officio)
6.2.3 In order to ensure smooth coordination with Liberal International (LI) and its partners, the Executive Committee will nominate a candidate for election to the Liberal International Bureau every time a vacancy arises. In the event that the network is not represented in the Liberal International Bureau, its member(s) from the African region may be invited to attend meetings of the Executive Committee in order to report back on matters of mutual interest. They will attend as observers and will not be entitled to vote.
6.2.4 Aside from the Coordinator acting as Executive Secretary, members of the Executive Committee shall be elected to serve for a twenty four (24) month term, renewable once. Only nominated representatives of full member parties shall be eligible to stand for these elected offices. Associate and observer members are excluded from fielding candidates from their organisations.
6.2.5 The Vice-Presidents shall be nominated by the members of the respective regional caucuses at the General Assembly and then duly adopted and confirmed by the General Assembly through a vote. If the regional caucus cannot present a single candidate, the General Assembly shall elect the Vice-President from among the candidates.
6.2.6 The composition of the regional caucuses will be listed in Schedule 8 of this constitution, which will be kept up to date by the Secretariat as parties join or resign from the network. All full, observer and associate members are entitled to belong to the regional caucus in which the country specified on their ALN membership application form falls, but only representatives of full member parties may be elected to the Executive Committee.
6.2.7 Elected officers wishing to resign before the end of their term of office shall give two months’ written notice to all other members of the Executive Committee.
6.2.8 In the case of the President or Treasurer resigning, the remaining members of the Executive Committee shall choose one of their members to act in the vacating member’s capacity until the next General Assembly. If this is an elective General Assembly, the position will be filled in line with regular electoral procedures outlined in 6.2.4 and 6.2.5. If it is not an elective General Assembly, a special election will be held for the vacant position and the successful individual will serve the remainder of the 12 month term, after which the position will become vacant in line with the regular electoral cycle of the full Executive Committee.
6.2.9 In the case of a Vice-President resigning, the rest of the Executive Committee shall continue as the Executive Committee until the next General Assembly. If this is an elective General Assembly, the position will be filled in line with regular electoral procedures outlined in 6.2.4 and 6.2.5. If it is not an elective General Assembly, a special election will be held for the vacant position and the successful individual will serve the remainder of the 12 month term, after which the position will become vacant in line with the regular electoral cycle of the full Executive Committee.
6.2.10 The Executive Committee ensures the effective implementation of the programme of activities of the network and promotes the policies and goals of the network in every instance at its disposal, as well as receives and makes proposals for resolutions, plans and actions to the forthcoming General Assembly.
6.2.11 The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice in a calendar year and shall make internal policies for the day to day running of the network and shall publish such policies in Schedule 6 of this constitution.
6.2.12 Quorum for an Executive Committee meeting is four (4) members present.
6.2.13 Executive Committee members may, in exceptional circumstances, delegate an individual to represent them in Executive Committee meetings for the purposes of reporting, but this individual will not have voting rights.
6.2.14 The Executive Committee may appoint a Secretary-General from among the Vice-Presidents in the first place or anyone from the member parties in the second place, to monitor the work of the network Coordinator if considered necessary, or act in that capacity if and when there is no one incumbent in the office of Coordinator. The Secretary General will report directly to the President.
6.3 Roles and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee Officers
6.3.1 The President shall lead the Executive Committee in promoting the policies and goals of the network; chair meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Committee; represent the network world-wide and as its principal spokesperson; maintain communication and links with other bodies and individuals in pursuance of the policies and goals of the network; ensure the implementation of activities of the network and the participation of its members in collaboration with the Coordinator/Executive Secretary; table a report on the activities of the network to the General Assembly; may delegate any of the Vice-Presidents to substitute him in any capacity.
6.3.2 The President may issue public statements on relevant issues on behalf of the network, provided that the relevant Vice-President and full, observer and associate members of any countries that the statement may concern are consulted regarding the content of the statement prior to its release. Any statement made has to be in line with and support the principles contained in the Johannesburg Declaration and Pan-African Liberal Manifesto.
6.3.3 The Vice-Presidents shall be champions of liberal values and the network within their region; act as a focal point and maintain regular communication with members from their region; coordinate the implementation of network activities in the region and the participation of regional members in network events; advise the President and Executive Committee on any issue relevant to the network and take part in decisions required to be made by the Executive Committee; take special responsibility for ad-hoc assignments as designated by the President; represent the President when necessary.
6.3.4 Each Vice-President will table an annual written regional report detailing notable political developments in each country in their region in which the ALN has a full, observer or associate member. This report has to be submitted to the Secretariat not less than fourteen (14) days prior to each ALN General Assembly and each Vice-President will be allocated a slot in the General Assembly programme to speak about their written report.
6.3.5 The Treasurer shall undertake the sourcing of funds for the network in consultation with the President, the Secretariat and the Executive Committee; maintain accounts of funds raised in good order, with adequate records of all collections, disbursements and transactions; solicit, collect and place in safe-keeping membership dues and other contributions in accordance with any by-laws; through the Secretariat or directly, notify member parties about their membership status; liaise with the Secretariat about the overall financial status of the network; ensure that an audit is carried out on the network accounts each financial year; prepare and deliver to the General Assembly a report on the financial status of the network each financial year.
6.4 The Secretariat
6.4.1 The Secretariat is managed by an Executive Secretary/Coordinator.
6.4.2 The Secretariat shall be tasked with implementing the decisions of the Executive Committee and General Assembly and managing the day-to-day activity of the network, including organising all ALN activities such as the General Assembly, maintaining communication networks with members, administering the accounts, handling communications – including supporting the research and publication of public statements, maintaining the network website and preparing the network newsletter to promote awareness of the organisation world-wide; organising, subject to sponsorship and assistance of facilitating partners, the participation of ALN members in capacity building workshops or any other fora to advance the goals of the network.
6.4.3 The Secretariat shall report at regular intervals to the President, Executive Committee and General Assembly, and liaise with Patrons of the network.
6.5 Patrons
6.5.1 The network may appoint as Patrons prominent liberals who campaigned tirelessly for liberal values over many years, have achieved a senior role in the world of business; finance; politics; or global governance, and are implementing liberal values in practice.
6.5.2 Proposals for the appointment of Patrons may be made by any designated representative of any full, observer or associate ALN member party and are subject to a vote at the General Assembly. These proposals must be submitted in writing to the Secretariat not less than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the ALN General Assembly during which the proposal will be subjected to a vote process.
6.5.3 Patrons have a consultative role as elders of the network and thus have the right to be present and to speak at the meetings of the General Assembly, but do not have the right to vote.
6.5.4 Schedule 9 sets out the rights and responsibilities of Patrons in more detail.