Good Governance in Africa
After analysing the political situation in Africa, the ALN General Assembly meeting in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo:
1. Expresses dissatisfaction with democratic progress achieved in several countries on the continent.
2. Regrets that some countries’ democratic standards have deteriorated, leading to reports of injustice and violence against politicians, citizens and independent associations.
3. Condemns leaders on the continent which continue to engage in self-centred practices that undermine unity, peace, and the prosperity of their people, thus provide a fertile ground for conflict and keeping the continent on a democratic deficit.
4. Notes with great interest the Democratic wind of change in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt, and calls upon all Democratic forces in all African countries to embrace fundamental freedoms and tolerance as espoused by Liberal Democracy, as a means of ensuring peace and development in the region.
The situation undermines democracy and human integrity as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Taking into account the above mentioned situation, the ALN General Assembly held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo;
Resolves that African Leaders should govern their people in the strict respect of the constitution and laws of their countries subject to them being in accordance with the will of the people of that country, and incorporating internationally agreed conventions and human rights. This should also include ratification of the African Charter on Elections, Democracy and Good Governance by African countries.
Free and Fair Elections in Africa
The ALN General Assembly held in Kinshasa, DRC;
1. Commends the document on Free and Fair Elections compiled by Dr Chico Francisco and placed before the General Assembly and calls for this to be translated and circulated to members for review and feedback.
2. Calls for a team of three to work under the leadership of Dr Francisco to produce a comprehensive guiding document.
Progress in Democratisation
Noting the presentation to the General Assembly of the Africa Liberal Network (ALN) in Kinshasa, DRC entitled “Free and Fair Elections in Africa”, which identified a general improvement in democratic electoral outcomes across Africa since 1990.
Further noting that a straw poll of the parties attending the General Assembly meeting – when the following question was posed: “Has there been a strengthening of democratic electoral processes in your country in the past ten years?” – yielded the following outcome, by country:
“Yes, democratic electoral processes have strengthened in the past 10 years:”
60% of members
“No, democratic electoral processes have not strengthened in the past 10 years:”
40% of members
Resolves to continue the work of the Africa Liberal Network, especially that which strengthens electoral processes, to increase the number of countries that have experienced truly democratic elections
Further resolves to continue monitoring these opinions from member countries in forthcoming ALN meetings.
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