The Executive Committee of Liberal International:
• Taking into account information from various independent sources such as the UN, European Union, organizations for human rights working in the Great Lakes Region of Africa in this case Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International and the Burundian civil society;
• Taking into account resolution 2027 (2011) of the United Nations Security Council acts in which the police are heavily involved;
• Adopts the resolution proposed by the African Liberal Networkon 25 February 2012 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The constituent elements are the following:
The Liberal International:
• condemns the arbitrary arrests, imprisonments, assassinations of opposition activists gathered in the ADC-Ikibiri coalition, of human rights activists and of journalists and demands their unconditional release;
• condemns strongly the torture and extrajudicial killings and the persecution of the leaders of opposition parties, forcing them into exile or to lead an underground life;
• regrets the restriction of activities of political parties and requires that the authorities create an atmosphere that reassures the return of leaders from exile or from hiding;
• is pleased that the President of the Republic has called on opposition leaders to return to the country and encourages him to make every effort to materialize the negotiations to ensure the social-political harmony of the country;
• calls on the Burundian government to always resolve these conflicts through genuine and constructive dialogue, taking into account that the peace and stability of a country are essential to its development;
• calls on the Burundian government to respect the UN Charter, the African Union Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all other conventions on the protection of the physical and moral integrity of man;
• asks the international community to continue to monitor closely the evolution of the political and security situation in Burundi, and in case of lack of improvement, to suspend all direct aid to the Burundi government.
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